
Nuevo Libro para principiantes en el arte.

La carrera de artes visuales es larga y no es lineal.  Aun cuando estudiásemos en un profesorado o universidad, tener un título no nos garantiza el comenzar a desarrollar un estilo propio que nos dé resultado en el mundo del arte. Las disciplinas que podemos estudiar e investigar son varias y muchas pueden integrarse como Dibujo, Pintura, Collage, Escultura, grabado, fotografía, instalación, objeto de arte, Libro de artista, videoarte, cerámica, textiles, y muchas más.    En www.arteconmariasantacecilia.com @arteconmariasantacecilia

CV English

  Since 1990, she has participated in both solo and group exhibitions.   @mariasantacecilia @arteconmariasantacecilia www.arteobjetosmariasantacecilia.blogspot.com www.mariasantaceciliaspainting.blogspot.com Her works are held in private and state collections. She has received 26 awards. Visual artist dedicated to Drawing, Painting, Object, Installation, and Artist Book. Author of the book "From Artist to Artist, Method to Advance in Artistic Practice Vol. I" Amazon, 2024. Author of the book "Open Studio: Course to Sell and Exhibit Your Art for Free," 2024. Instructor of Visual Arts Workshops and Art Clinics since 2007. Instructor of workshops for seniors for the Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Bs As, since 2014. Virtual visual arts workshop instructor since 2020. Coordinator of Canada-Argentina Cultural Relations from 2008 to 2011. Art interviews and articles for Resonance.com, an arts magazine in Pau, France. Awards: 2019: Redlineartwork London (Honorable Mention).