podcast Criticism. Critica
Criticism hurts. It's normal. Especially when we invest a lot of effort in what we do. But the worst thing we can do is react impulsively. especially if criticism bothers us If you read a negative comment and feel anger, sadness or frustration, it is best to DO NOT respond at the moment. Let it go. Breathe. Read it again later, when your mind is clearer. If a criticism affects you greatly, wait 24 hours before deciding what to do with it. she. Many times, with a calmer mind, we realize that it was not as important as it seemed. And if it still bothers you after a while, Ask yourself: Why does it affect me so much? Is he right about something? Or is it just me insecurity speaking? Responding with anger or justifying yourself only gives more power to criticism. You don't have to prove nothing to anyone. If your art is valuable to you, that's enough. Las críticas duelen. Es normal. Sobre todo cuando invertimos mucho esfuerzo en lo que hacemos. Pero lo peor que podemos hacer ...