Maria Santacecilia's drawings are published works of drawing on paper since 1996. Opus lX drawing on paper graphite,ink,1998 (private collection) CV Since 1991, she participates in national and international exhibitions. 24 national and international awards. Since 2008 I teach art to artists and since 2013 in the workshop of drawing and painting La Salle Institute and the Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Argentina. art reviewer in Resonance art magazine Pau, Fr Juegos Bonaerenses juror Art Teacher Centro Cultural Villa Adelina Cultura MVL Editions of magazines and books: IX Bienal Guadalupana internacional de pequeño formato ,catálogo Mexico 2001-Toma y Lee Editorial Bled 2 World Festival of art on paper, 2001, Ljubljana The International Annual of miniature Art ,catalogo 2002, Suecia Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de artistas plásticos,2004, Art Gallery Queensborough Community College The University of New York, Napsa editorial España USA. 8th Bienna...